John Lennon’s Guitar

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Sadece melodisi ile bir hikaye anlattığını ilk dinleyişte hissettiren parça, sözlerine aşina oldukça daha da bağlıyor insanı kendine. Barclay James Harvest grubunun, kendilerine esin kaynağı olan, kahraman olarak gördükleri The Beatles ve John Lennon ile olan ilişkisini anlatıyor. Dinlemeli, dinletmeli..

Barclay James Harvest – John Lennon’s Guitar

Back in the autumn of seventy
On the night shift at Abbey Road
Four young men were recording a song named “Galadriel”
For an album they’d call Once Again
The producer was Norman Smith
Who’d engineered with The Beatles and John
Whose guitar was to be instrumental that day
When I came to play

I remember it well, as if it was yesterday
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar
I remember it well, as if it was yesterday
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar

Back in the autumn of seventy
As I played on my borrowed guitar
How could I know The Beatles would split the next day
My heroes break up and go their own way

Now autumns they came and they go
But my friends and my memories remain
And my heroes, well some of them fell from the stage
But their light still remains

I remember it well, as if it was yesterday
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar
I remember it well, as if it was yesterday
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar

I remember the day
I remember the day
I remember the day
I remember the day
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar
I remember the day, as if it was yesterday
And I know that the memories will never fade
I remember the day, as if it was yesterday
The day that I played John Lennon’s guitar

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