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Alternatif bağlantı:

Ekim, sanırım ayların en sevimsizi. Ne yaz, ne kış, ne de kıştan yaza geçilen güzel bir bahar. Yazın bitip kışa döndüğü, baharların sevimsiz olanı.

İster istemez insana hüzün veren, enerjisini çalan bir ay ekim. Havaların bile nasıl olacağına karar veremediği, karmakarışık bir ay. Artık farklı yaşamaya başlamanın habercisi olan ay, umarım bir an önce bitersin..

Dolores O’Riordan – October

October, october
The summer is over
I’m going through changes
I see you again
It’s so thought provoking
Emotion evoking
I can’t turn around
I don’t want to pretend
You stand in my way
With nothing to say
You think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
You stand in my way
With nothing to say
You think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
I’ll do it again
October, october
The summer is over
I’m moving in circles
I’m trying to come in
It’s my evolution
The only solution
The torment it’s all that
I’m holding within
You stand in my way
You’ve nothing to say
You think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
You stand in my way
You’ve nothing to say
You think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
I’ll do it again
Don’t stand in my way
With nothing to say
And think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
Don’t stand in my way
With nothing to say
And think you’re the world
I’m so lost without you
I’m sorry my friend
This is not the end
I’ll do it without you
I’ll do it again
I’ll do it.

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